Minggu, 10 April 2011


This blog contains information about chemistry, including short articles, terms, theory of chemistry and questions with many tips and tricks. Most of the people think that chemistry is not interesting even dangerous, that’s why I write in this blog to make them realize that chemistry is important.

The opening question of this blog is: What do you think about chemistry? Reaction, cosmetics, additives, or bombs. Most assume that chemistry is something not good. Even chemistry is related with something negative that have side effects. Example, we can get illness because there is chemical substance in our food or cosmetics. The worst is they assume that chemistry can be carcinogenic. That’s way, we must know what really chemistry is and what its role in our live.

Scientifically, chemistry is defined as a science concerned with composition, structure and properties of matter, as well as the changes it undergoes during chemical reaction. Chemistry also is the study of interaction of chemical substances with one another and energy. Actually, chemistry includes everything in our life. How we can live, why students have to earn chemistry even the reason why the people fall in love can be explained with chemistry. You can read completely in my first article.

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